メニュー改定のお知らせ New Menu for Leibspeise
April 1, 2013
… English Text Follows
New Menu for Leibspeise
Leibspeise is pleased to announce our new menu for 2013! We have added a number of new beer snacks to enhance your Otaru Beer enjoyment, however, this requires that we remove some other items from the menu. We sincerely apologize to those who may have lost some old friends, but do not despair for we will be bringing various of these items back in our “Monthly Specials”! If you are particularly missing an item, make sure to tell one of our waitstaff and then they will get a message back to me and we will try to schedule a short visit!
We hope you will enjoy our new menu and as always, please keep us informed about what kinds of new foods you would like to see at Leibspeise in the future, and we will see what we can do to accommodate you!
<English Text Immediately following>
ロスティは、ひとことでいうとジャガイモのパンケーキ。ヨーロッパや北米の多くの地域で、伝統的によく食べられている料理のひとつです。Leibspeiseでは、新鮮なジャガイモを千切りにして、タマネギ、ハーブと合わせ、カリッとフライパンで焼きあげます。スパイシーなルッコラのペストソース(ナッツ類を使わず、香草、スパイス、ビネガー、オリーブオイルだけで仕上げたシンプルなもの) と合わせると、とても美味しい一品です。
このカモのローストは、小樽ビールのどのビールともピッタリですが、カモの美味しい脂肪と良く合う、ドンケルボックが特にオススメです(アルコール:8.5%)。 6ヶ月熟成させたドンケルボックが持つ、モルトのダークなカラメルの味わいは、カモの美味しさと、マスタードのようなルッコラの風味と抜群の相性です。とても美味しいこのカモのローストを召し上がりに、是非小樽ビール倶楽部にお越しください。
Roast Duck Breast, Rösti and Dunkel Bock
As Autumn begins to wane to Winter, traditional hunters go out in the wild and hunt various different wild game not only in Europe, but also in North America. Some hunters go for Wild Boar, some for Deer, others go for Pheasant or other fowl. One of my favorite wild meats is duck and I have not served duck at Leibspeise in quite a number of years. I think the last time was 2008. Well, I have gotten a supply of French duck breast for Leibspeise this year and thought it would be nice to serve it up with another Autumn favorite, Rösti!
Rösti is called a Potato Pancake in English. This is a very traditional dish in a lot of areas throughout Europe and North America. At Leibspeise, I take fresh Potatoes and shred them together with onion and other herbs and spices and gently fry them up until they are nice and crispy. They are really nice together with sauces like our peppery Rocket pesto sauce (no nuts, just herbs, spices, vinegars and Olive oil).
The Duck Breast comes from France and I grill it very slowly until it reaches a nice pink color, rotating it in the grill pan until it has reached its peak in flavor and color. Then after it comes off the Grill I lightly spice and salt it and let it rest before I slice it into those delicate slices with the crispy duck-skin hat. Together with Baby-Leaf Greens and the Rösti you have a meal fit for a king!
While I know that all of Otaru’s beers go well with this dish, this time with the lovely duck fat, I am going to suggest our six-month aged Dunkel Bock Beer (8.5%)! The wonderfully dark-Malty Caramel flavors of this beer are just perfect for the Duck and the spicy-mustard-like flavor of the Rocket Pesto Sauce. This is one Beer Club you will not want to miss!