ブレッツェル・ハーブチーズフォンデュ Bretzeln Herbed Cheese Fondue

Bretzeln Herbed Cheese Fondue
Bretzeln Herbed Cheese Fondue
Bretzeln Herbed Cheese Fondue


-English Below-


チーズ〜〜〜 いっぱいです!

どうぞ ごゆっくり

Only At Leibspeise…

Currently at Leibspeise we have a new hit on our hands!  Bretzeln Herbed Cheese Fondue!  To our delicious German Bretzeln we add a delicious blend of Cheese together with Rosemary and a plethora of other herbs and spices to give you a delectable Cheese and Bread Experience…

Together with an Otaru Beer… You’ll Fall In Love, perhaps for the very first time!


ココナッツカスタードチョコレートムースケーキ Coconut Custard Chocolate Mousse Cake

Coconut Custard Chocolate Mousse Cake
Coconut Custard Chocolate Mousse Cake
Coconut Custard Chocolate Mousse Cake

<English Below>

最近のLeibspeiseでは、今月の季節のビール・ドンケルヴァイスにピッタリのシーフード料理をはじめ、たくさんの種類の美味しいお料理を皆さんにお楽しみいただいてきました。ですが、皆さんの夜を締めくくる、ちょっと特別なデザートが欠けていましたね。 この状況を改善すべく、6月9日土曜の夜から、丁寧に3つのレイヤーを重ねたココナッツチョコレートケーキをお出しすることになりました!

アーモンド、ココナッツ、そしてチョコレートチップ入りのブロンドブラウニーを使い、たっぷりのココナッツクリームカスタードをかけて、チョコレートチップをのせたら、その上に、罪深いほどにシルキーな舌触りのチョコレートムースをのせます。 一度は味わう価値のあるケーキです。 ナッツ感とチョコレートを思わせるドンケルヴァイスの味わいと最高の組み合わせ!数量限定の季節のビール、ドンケルヴァイスと一緒にお楽しみいただけるうちに、是非一度お試しを。後悔はしません!

At Leibspeise this past month, we have made all kinds of different food, including some really fantastic seafood dishes to go with all our Otaru Beer, including our Dunkel Weiss, this Month’s Seasonal Beer!  Recently Leibspeise has not had any special dessert items to help finish the evening up right!  So from tomorrow night, Saturday, June 9th, we are going to fix that situation.

We have made a three layer Coconut-Chocolate Cake!  This cake starts with an Almond, Coconut and Chocolate Chip Blond Cake and is topped with a luscious Coconut Cream Custard that is studded with hand-chopped  Chocolate Chips.  We top the Coconut Custard with a sinfully-silky Chocolate Mousse!  This is a cake that you just have to try.  It is just perfectly flavored to pair with a nutty-Chocolatey Dunkel Weiss.

Do not miss the opportunity to pair this Cake with our Dunkel Weiss! You will not regret it!

Brian Dishman

小樽ビール前売券 Otaru Beer Garden Tickets

Terrace Beer Garden
Terrace Beer Garden
Terrace Beer Garden

<English Below>



こんなビアガーデンで夏の夜を過ごしたい!というかたは、是非Leibspeiseで小樽ビールビアガーデン前売券のご購入を。 既に前売券の取扱いを開始しています。2000円で購入いただける前売券は、200円のプレミアム付きで2200円分お使いいただけ、創成川公園会場、Leibspeise会場の双方で、ビールとフードにご利用可能です。また、皆様のご要望にお応えし、前売券をご利用いただける期間を、なんと8月末日まで延長しました! また、それでも前売券を使い切れなかった方は、小樽ビールホームデリバリーでもご利用いただけます。小樽ビルホームデリバリーまでお電話をいただき(0120-61-2276)、10月31日までのお届けにご利用ください。前売券を今年のフェストビールのご購入にご利用いただけるということですね!


お問い合わせ: 011-252-5807


Brian Dishman

Otaru Beer Garden Tickets

You may have heard that Otaru Beer Garden tickets are available from Otaru Beer.  This year, just like last year we will be operating at least two Beer Gardens! Our main Beer garden with literally hundreds of seats is situated at the Sosegawa River Park right in front of the 2-Jo Fish Market.  It is a great location with a real Odori Beer Garden atmosphere!

Our other main Beer Garden is on the Outdoor Terrace at Leibspeise on the third floor of the PARADE Building.  Here we have protected seating.  Our tents come with walls that can be closed or left open, depending on the weather.  We also have heaters which will allow us to keep you warm IF it were to be a cold Summer.  We also have indoor seating with a glassed-in wall and ceiling so that you can still taste the outside and enjoy the inside as well!  At Leibspeise’s beer garden, we have some of the same food you can get at Sosegawa, Rotisserie Chicken and Real German Sausage! We also use the proper glassware for our Beer!  So a real Beer Garden with a difference.

If this is your kind of Beer Garden, then come on by Leibspeise and buy your tickets in advance!  They are available Right Now!  They will include a 10% discount!  ¥2,000 per sheet gets you ¥2,200 yen worth of tickets good on Food and Beer at BOTH the Sosegawa Beer Garden AND Leibspeise!  Also for a little extra service, we really have an extended period of accepting Beer Garden Tickets!  ALL the way to the END of August!  And if that weren’t enough, you can also use your tickets with our Home Delivery service!  IF for some reason you still have too many tickets to use at the end of August, call our Home Delivery service (0120- 61-2276) and make reservations for having beer delivered all the way to October 31st!!!  That means you can use your Beer Garden Mae Uri Ken to buy Oktober Festbier directly from the Otaru Beer Brewery!  Truly Unlike Anyone!

Make sure you come by to buy your tickets at Leibspeise before the Beer Garden’s Official start, otherwise it will be too late!  10% discounts are great and too good to pass by!

For More Information call: 011-252-5807


Brian Dishman

ライブシュパイゼのテラスで、いますぐ夏をエンジョイ! Experience the best of Summer Now! At Leibspeise’s Summer Terrace


Tent Interior

(English Below)
いよいよ本格的な夏がLeibspeiseにも到来しました!そして、私たちLeibspeiseにとって、今年の夏はこれまでと違う夏になりそうです!Leibspeiseでは、去年の秋に大型テントを両側のテラスに導入しました。このテントの壁は、天候や気温によって開閉できるので、テント内ではいつでも快適にお過ごしいただけるようになりました。さらに、8台の遠赤外線ヒーターも設置しましたので、寒い日でもテント内では暑い夏をお楽しみいただけます。 だから、お天気の心配は無用!いつでもLeibspeiseにいらして、屋外テラス席で小樽ビールの美味しいビール、正統派ドイツ料理、インターナショナルなスナック、そして「美味しい夏の飲み物」を是非エンジョイしてください!

ここでいう「美味しい夏の飲み物」とは、今回新登場する夏向きのカクテルです! Leibspeiseの今回のメニューの改訂では、新しいビアカクテルが多数加わりました。また、夏の間には、新しいビアカクテルがさらに登場する予定です。中でも特筆すべきは、とてもフルーティーな白ワインを使ったサングリア。美味しさの秘密は、隠し味に加えた小樽ビールのヴァイスです。 ヴァイスのフルーティーさは、白ワインにブレンドしたリンゴや柑橘類の味わいと最高の相性。Leibspeiseのテラスで飲むこのホワイトサングリアは、故郷・オクラホマの夜や、むかし旅行で訪れたヨーロッパを思い出させてくれます。



Brian Dishman

<<English Below Photo Gallery>>

Experience the best of Summer Now! 
   – At Leibspeise’s Summer Terrace

The Summer season has started in earnest at Leibspeise.  For us, the Summer will be a bit different than in years past as we have full sized tents on both sides of our Terrace that we received last year in the Autumn.  These tents have full walls that we can close when the weather get rainy or cold.  We have even added eight, infra-red heaters which will keep you toasty even in cooler weather.  So no matter the weather in Sapporo, you can now sit outside and enjoy yourself with Otaru Beer, German Food and international beer snacks as well as other liquid refreshments from Leibspeise!

When we talk about “Other Liquid Refreshments,” we mean some new Summer Cocktails!  At Leibspeise, to our newest menu, we have added a number of new Beer Cocktails. During the upcoming Summer, we will also have a number of new Beer Cocktails as well.  One of the really delicious ones is a supremely-fruity white wine Sangria that is mixed with a bit of our fruity Weiss Beer.  This combination is extremely flavorful combining the fruity flavors of our Weiss Beer along with the citrus and apple flavors that are incorporated into our Sangria.  Sipping this out on the terrace at Leibspeise is a fantastic experience that reminds me of evenings at home in Oklahoma as well as a long-ago vacation I had in Europe.

Come to Leibspeise this Summer and experience a real Beer Garden!  You don’t have to wait for the Odori Beer Garden to open on the 21st of July… You can experience an outdoor Beer Garden tonight!  Also, if you would rather remember your time in Madrid…  why not have a Paella and our Sangria Cocktail?  It will take you back, and you will not have even left Sapporo!


Brian Dishman