Introducing Schweine Schnitzle

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Leibspeise特製シュヴァイネ シュニッツェルを作るには、まず大きな固まりのポークをステーキ状にスライスします。



最後にカラッと黄金色に揚げて、Leibspeise特製シュヴァイネ シュニッツェルの出来上がり。付け合わせのフライドポテトと相性は抜群です。レモンを絞ってさっぱりとどうぞ。Leibspeise特製シュヴァイネ シュニッツェルは、1,000円と大変お得で美味しい逸品です!

Introducing Schweine Schnitzlels-making

First we take a beautiful pork loin and hand-cut it into thick, juicy, pork steaks.

Then each steak is carefully pounded to an approximate 3 mm thickness.  This is more or less than 1/3 its original thickness and making it much larger in size while tenderizing the meat!

Next we carefully bread the cutlet using a special technique that includes Otaru Beer’s fruity Weiss Beer for that added flavor you expect from Leibspeise!

Finally we fry it up to a crispy, golden crunch which just naturally goes with our fried potatoes. All this together with a slice of Lemon for only ¥1,000!