Thank You ! <<English Text Follows>>

そして、まだ今年のビアガーデンの前売券をお持ちの方もいらっしゃるかと思います。 そんな方にLeibspeiseから朗報です!2012年の小樽ビールビアガーデンの前売券は、Leibspeiseにて2012年9月末までお使いいただけます!前売券を使い切れなかった・・・と諦めるのはまだ早い!この機会に是非Leibspeiseにいらしてください
* 2012年以外のビアガーデン前売券は、Leibspeiseでご利用いただくことはできません。また、当日券に関しましては、2012年分も含め、一切利用いただくことはできませんので、どうぞご了承ください。
Otaru Beer GardenMae Uri Ken Announcement
Thank You !

Otaru Beer and Leibspeise would like to thank all those that have helped to make this Year’s Otaru Beer Garden in Sosegawa and Leibspeise a Super Success!
We also realize that there are a few of you who may have found that they have Mae Uri Ken left over from this year’s Sosegawa/Leibspeise Beer Garden. If you are one of these people, despair not! Leibspeise is going to give you all a present… We will accept your left over 2012 Otaru Beer Mae Uri Ken* until the end of September 2012!
Leibspeise will be returning to our regular menu in the up-coming days, so the food that you can eat will be different than during the Beer Garden period of July and August, but possibly that may be something else to look forward! If you have any questions, please call Leibspeise at 011-252-5807 for more information. If you have a large number of people in your party, please make sure to call in advance for reservations to unsure that you have seats. We also have special courses that include all you can drink, so you might also like to find out about these as well!
Otaru Beer
* We regret that we cannot accept any Mae Uri Ken from previous years OR Tojitsu Ken of ANY year at Leibspeise.